Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

my dream...-_-lll

finish the outline yesterday...who know i dream of this last nite... -_-lll...but it's doesn't means anything scary...just a totally different meaning compare with when i drawn it...and much more clear about my thoughts now...XD good dream good dream!

Monday, February 18, 2008


这阵子心情起伏不定...可能经历了几次, 所以好像很熟悉了...慢慢理解分析后, 发现有规律性的...大概分为三个阶段...

开始会很难过, 老是往坏的想(大概自杀的人都因为无法捱过这阶段吧)可是, 如果这段时间有人认同我的悲哀, 我会觉得好过一些...(当然不要对我说什么"我了解你的感受"因为我不认为你能)

当难过到一个地步, (像偶像剧里所说的"泪也流干了"的时候吧)心里会忽然以第三者的身份看待这件事, 然后提出问题"已经够了...你真有必要让自己重复的受到打击吗?"也许是自我保护的能力吧...阻止我继续悲伤下去...

最后会恢复理智, 想想我要的是什么样的结果, 然后作出决定.

然而很熟悉这些感觉了, 既然我知道我一定会没事, 那为什么要悲伤那么久呢? 所以当悲伤时我会让自己更悲伤那么"第三者"就会更快出现; 相对的恢复理智的时候也越来越快...!



不管是Genting的曰出; 还是Port Dickson的曰落, 都被一团大大的云给遮著了...本以为终于明朗化的; 却出现了意想不到的结果...我用力地希望为我的存在踏上痕迹, 可是, 冲上岸的海水总是轻易的把它没去...海...很大...我的存在真的不算什么..多一个不多; 少一个不少...是我太执著, 太苛求了...有点疑惑的周末...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

another office floor plan from another senior--kit!!

this is from another senior, kit...my boss...really look like this ga!!! XD XD XD...this senior kit is the one thinking pretty gal...and the 罗四海传人 is the earlier de mer mer movie poster de senior...this is my office...and my senior...-_-lll...and i insist! 罗四海传人 de hair not so much!!!


happy valentine's day

senior's new toy!

this is senior's new toy--a kids drawing board...suddenly he become very creative...this is my new look in his eye...
when lunch time... and...ya...obviously...he just watch sweeney todd...-_-lll...

kesimpulannya, senior saya adalah seorang yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh movie dan toy...

Monday, February 11, 2008

my mushroom head...XD

cut my hair...after 8 years of long hair...many ppl asking y...so i answer here..."no why"...but if u insist for an answer...then..."not so hot", "use less shampoo", "bored with long hair"...happy now? i like my hair...XD but if u still can't accept it...then...take some time lor...u'll get used to it...hahhahakekeke~! happy chinese new year~!