Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

mer mer bone...O_O!

mer mer...walk walk walk... aiyaa~! mer~~!! O_O!!! mer mer bone...-_-lll...


Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian,

Terima kasih atas murah hati daripada semua kawan-kawan saya atas birthday celebration saya yang hampir mengambil masa satu minggu untuk saya jumpa semua kawan-kawan saya dan sudah makan-makan banyak sambil hadiah juga...inilah yang kita sentiasa cakap dalam bahasa cina..."又吃又拿"...wahahhakekekee~

i'm happy for all those present and really thank u everybody~i love u all~!! muakzz~!!

p/s: but...good food should eat once a while...if u eating big fish big meat everyday...will really...scare............

Monday, March 24, 2008

happy de phuket trip with huk huk~!

the hotel we stay...Casa Brazil homestay & gallery~! very nice breakfast, and nice food near by!huk huk and ppl there...XD a very cute cab driver...stupid me there in phuket...XDhappy phuket trip with qi~!

mer mer in heaven!

cloud...look like heaven!!! XD and a swimming mer mer!!! XD XD XD

Friday, March 14, 2008


i'll fly phuket from 16 march and back at 19 dun miss me too much when i'm not around...and dun expect for any sau sun also...i won't buy de...XD

ps: happy zzz day... .

Thursday, March 13, 2008

my birthday~! XD

kawan-kawan sekalian, saya punya b'day is make sure i'll growing up healthy and happy...u all must buy me present!!! XD XD XD XD 9 days to go...wahhahakekekee~~~and...please remember that...i dun wan mer mer anymore ar! of not i'll gonna tell bed time story one by one...i no need sleep liao...........

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

for jun mei

i think u r stress recently...but i'm not an art person...i dunno art...can't give u any art side de advice...but i think i know let's talk about u...

u spread out positive energy...did u realize that, it's easy to complain...everybody can complain and simply complain about anything and everything...but it's not easy to comfort a person, it's not easy to comfort heart that been hurted...u can simply complain, but u can't simply comfort a person...for example, u drawn the panda and's's happy not becuase of the art work, not because of this jpg file; is because the action of u that "i'm drawing a mer mer to sek sek mer mer" first, u gonna have that heart to care this person, then only u'll feel like doing something to comfort him/her, second, ur care have to strong enough so u willing to spend ur time to do so...ur art is simple and straight forward, it's warm, and so positive...wat i'm trying to say is...u r a warm person, a person that always spread out positive energy...this is jun mei...(u get wat i means? or u just dunno wat i bla bla bla here?)

tat's the reason u r my best fren and dun go care those ppl who like to play those little game...when they spend 2 hours after lunch to talk bad about u, u use that 2 hours to learn to improve ur skill...when their mind is polluted with envy and gossip, ur mind is just so pure and so girl, u get me? be happy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008


令人振奋的成绩! 国家大事我真的不太懂...对我来说, 这次有些意外收获...最近发现和父母家人的谈话多了...饭桌上的话题多了, 而不再是匆匆吃完就躲进房间打电脑...已经多久没有和父母在电视前一起关心同一个课题? 又有多久没有在广告时间争取时间表达, 或疑问? 以往在你要出门, 时父母亲问你: "去哪里? 早点回家!" 时, 这短短的关心你是否用很不耐烦的语气回答, 然后赶着出门忘了给你母亲送上今天的 goodbye kiss? 在等待成绩的数小时里, 真的发现在投诉的同时, 我了解的实在太少了...而父母亲却可以耐心尽力的给予我数小时不停的解答, 让我忽然对不懂运用 sms 和不知 msn 为何物的父母亲多了一分崇拜! 当我们同在一起, 做着一件事, 感觉...真好!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


以前, 有个可爱的室友用"从很高, 很高的地方跌下来" 来形容心情不好...对我来说"从很高, 很高的地方跌下来=吓死了...!!"

今天和同事用餐, 窗口旁阳光有点刺眼, 不自觉的用手遮掩...同事看了大叫"怕光! 怕高! 什么都怕!"其实他错了...除了怕光, 怕高, 我还怕冷, 怕热, 怕鬼, 怕痛, 怕肥, 怕蟑螂, 怕壁虎, 怕尝试, 怕麻烦, 怕责任...etc...

Monday, March 3, 2008