Wednesday, December 26, 2007

self cure

听说, 向曰葵其实怕太阳, 所以才会有很大的花朵, 永远面向太阳来掩护不能暴晒的部分...如果心灵的创伤没有办法痊愈, 那就多让美好的事情发生吧! 让许多许多美丽的回忆覆盖那伤口, 然后让那些美丽的回忆成为你的后盾, 去面对你的敌人...就算没能痊愈; 也有美好的事情让你得到平衡...与其自暴自弃; 不如自我疗伤...总比期待援助来的坚强...!


Stone said...

ngek ngek~~ really more and more drawing yea.. sumore u been tried so many dif kind of style.. not like me.. 900 years all same same geh~~ k la.. saturday let me this goh goh bring u go buy sunflower~~

mer mer said...

just draw sien jo 'the one' style...somehow..i still think i cannot give up the 'the one' style...sigh...

Anonymous said...

huk huk hug hug~ really hope mer mer can go through all the tough time... always be here for u~~

mer mer said...

keke...i dai go lui zor worries...XD

Agnes Sim said...

i like sunflower~~

mer mer said...

ya~it's look very happy...XD like a bright smile~! XD